Friday, June 1, 2018

When nothing seems to be okay

Once upon a time... 

I was in Brazil and now it has been  6 months I am away from home and 9 days to turn 22 years old. 

To be honest, I never felt like I would miss home so much... when you are living abroad seems like things that would happen in scale 10 would happen in 100, not exaggeration... I will try to explain more in this post. 

I left Brazil December ,8th ,2017, and I did not know where I was going through I simply heard my heart, and God was the one who was giving me peace and  I embarked in an adventure of a lifetime,  went to Senegal for 20 days, where I cried so much, in a far land where no one could understand me, where I felt threat , and always misunderstood, yet with all of that I could see God's hand always taking good care of me. 

I left Africa with my heart broken for the poor and for nothing that I was supposed to do and I didn't, I didn't feel like I was doing something pleasant to my Abba, but then He reminded, how much I was loved and that the price of love it wasn't just for me but also for my brothers and sister in Senegal. 

next stop was Denmark, where I could refresh my mind, body and soul, with friends that received me as family. It is always a good choice to pit stop there and see them. 

in the New Year's eve,I took a plane with destination to Las Vegas, where I barely sleep because after 6 hours layover I was taking another plane to arrive in California, my almost last destination. 

California has been converted in a home for me, after 3 years, where my beloveds one are.Where I feel exhorted but still loved. 

Mexico ah Mexico, this country has stolen my heart in such a way, as nature, beauty, food and culture, I arrived in the middle of the night couldn't believe that I was here again, God brought me so many good memories, good friends, old and new ones. I thought I had been over my homesickness but this week it's been really hard for me.

I am in a Ywam school called Community Development School ,priorly you need to choose a community to work with and I had one in Africa, however my contact in Africa failed. So I choose a local community here in Mexico, where I've only been 1x time. But this week I learned that the true community I need to work  with which are made with 3 things/person : body, mind and soul .My own body needs to be loved, my mind needs to be health, and my soul needs to be in peace. 

I don't know what has been happening to me, but I want ask your forgiveness if I ever hurt you intentionally and non intentionally. I feel like growing up we start to think about our ages and don't want to commit same mistakes again. 22 years to be soon.

Therefore I love you because God loved me so well that I cannot contain that love for myself, please remember me in your prayers.

thank you for reading, 
regardless my bad english writing  

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